
Creation and Blessing: A Guide to the Study and Exposition of Genesis is unavailable, but you can change that!

According to the author, his purpose is to “help the reader appreciate the major literary and theological motifs that form the theological ideas in the narratives, and to demonstrate how these theological ideas can be developed into clear and accurate expository ideas.” To accomplish this goal, Ross introduces four approaches to the study of Genesis—literary-analytical, form-critical,...

her sacrifices and being eager to destroy her. On the one hand, the nation would be warned of bitter opposition; on the other hand, she would be instructed to continue to sacrifice to God in faith and in unity. Theological Ideas Basically the story is about Cain, even though the story line also concerns Abel and the Lord as principal characters. Cain and Abel provide us with archetypical representations of two kinds of people in a setting of worship. The plot of the story develops from the Lord’s
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